Friday, April 24, 2015

T is for TITLE

It is so hard to come up with titles for my stories, or longer pieces, or for programs. I mediate,  I labor, I cogitate, I stress out, I finally just choose something and hope it works and sounds good!

Oh, friends and colleagues try to help. They are supportive, creative, definitely helpful. Sometimes the librarian or producer of the venue will offer ideas.  But the process is always mind bendingly difficult.

Well, almost always.  The story, "Every Day is Basil Houpis Day!", named itself. So did "Strong Girls and Brave Women", though I kept stressing, wondering if somewhere there was something else named similarly.  But most are not so easy.  I still have not named the ghost story from Belize ("Ghost Story From Belize"?) or my personal stories or  the retells of some traditional stories which have become more mine than traditional.

What it comes down to is this: I create titles by hook and by crook, or by a deadline!  Some of them definitely will need revamping, if only to please my ear.

But that will happen another day. Today is so sunny, so bright, and why get my brains all in a knot?  Maybe I will be lucky...I will have an inspiration!  One can hope.

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